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Where I'm From

I am from dirt roads, tea parties, and the American dream.


I am from the brick house in Belden with the big yard, and quiet serenity.


I am from the big magnolia trees, the gardens filled with fresh


produce too.


I am from big Sunday dinners, and laugh 'til you cry,


from Sam, Renee, and the Listenbee's. I am from "sit up straight!" and


"cross your legs."


From "you're so stubborn!" and "treat everyone as you want to be




From "keep dancing!" and "never give up."


I am from faith driven love. The ten commandments and singing high


notes in the choir.



I'm from Mississippi, butter, fried chicken, and sweet tea.



From the teacher and the principal's daughter, the she's so bright but a


social butterfly.



I am from there's no place like home, no place I'd rather be.

Why This?

I wrote this "Where I'm From" poem in college during a writing course, and I feel it really captivates who I am, and why that's so important to always remember even as an adult.  I hope this serves as a snapshot of the person that I am, and where I'm from!

Fun Fact: That's me at age 4 in the banner photo above, posing for a dance recital!

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