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Teaching Philosophy

"There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you--just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.” 

--Shel Silverstein, The Voice



“There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.” 
--Robert Frost




“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

--William Arthur Ward

Miss Listenbee's Classroom Statement of Purpose

Our classroom is a community of learners that appreciates creativity and diversity.  As we learn, we are committed to bringing out the best of one another through accountability, encouragement, and respect.  This is a classroom that is safe, and we will not tolerate violence, bullying, or language that harms and/or threatens our community.   We are a community of scholars that appreciates high-level thinking. We are thinkers, questioners, and learners, and we develop these skills in order to be 21st century scholars. We understand that we will make mistakes, and we will use this as a learning experience, not an obstacle.  We will challenge each other daily, and walk away each day with a new understanding and respect for one another.”

I wrote this classroom statement of purpose with a very specific reason in mind: my students and what is best for them.  I believe that as a teacher, it is my responsibility to my scholars to give them a safe, effective, and learning based community that a student can make their own.  The last thing that I would want is a student to never feel included, and to never feel like they are not a special part of our classroom community.  We're all in this together, every day, and with this in mind, we know that every day is a new day, and that some days might be better than others, but we grow together, and we leave no one behind.


I want students to feel encouraged, because English can be really complex, but students need to know that our brains are made to handle more than we even know! That's why we will be a collaborative community, and use tools like group discussion, daybooks, workshops, and partners to help us brainstorm and create, share, and build ideas together.  We will recognize ourselves as a community of writers, and come to respect the writing process, and all the good and bad that accompanies the process.  We will also recognize ourselves as a community of readers, seeking understanding, but more than that, building connections one after the other that will help us become the best scholars that we can be.


Finally, my students must know that I am teacher, but I am student as well, and I am in this with them for the long haul.  We all make mistakes, and in fact, we welcome mistakes, because they are an explosive way to measure growth.  My students will know that I am capable of error, struggle, success, and that we share this together.  Their successes are my successes, and this is what will propel our classrooms to new heights.  Learning is constant, it never stops, and I hope to learn just as much from my students that they learn from me.  I am simply a tour guide to help you reach your final destination, I'm a resource, not an isolated figment. 

This is our community. How will we create today?

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